I agree with all three of your points, and I wanted to compare his statement to Sam Harris'. But…in watching him speak, I felt bad for him. He doesn't like being in the place he's in (a 'loser'). I suspect he's feeling something brewing inside him (or at least imagining it), and he's losing sleep over it, that's for sure.

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It's gonna be painful, this tide-turning. And folks can decorate up their explanations using anything they want - analysis, heuristics, etc. - but it's so much simpler and apparently harder to say. "I got fooled, I got suckered in, I thought I was too smart to be brainwashed." Any of those would be fine.

Because at the end of the day it was a mass marketing campaign to push the never tested on humans experimental jabs for an easily treated disease.

THAT's what is so easy to see and so hard to admit.

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So true. Thanks Kathleen.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023Liked by Dave Payette

My brain goes back to Mattias Desmet's take on this: mass formation and his The Psychology of Totalitarianism. Even Desmet's detractors provide some insight as to what we're seeing with Scott Adams right now. I might even watch a few of his follow-up Coffee with Scott Adams videos to see hiw he's doing. Haven't watched him in months. Used to be a paid subscriber on his Locals platform but his jabs support didn't make any sense so I left him. I feel his pain: got jabbed, suffered a lacunar infarct, dealt with my mistake, came out better (mentally anyway), so I get what he's doing. Or trying to do.

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I'm sorry you've had issues from the jabs and coming out better is the best outcome one could hope for. I get what's he trying to do, but also see what he's not trying to do. It's a deeper layer of self-reflection. The winners VS losers, Vaxxed VS unvaxxed framing he did, imo, is all about avoiding the deeper issue of how did "I" get fooled. That question messes with and raises all kinds of identity issues. Despite my critical take - I hope he continues probing these questions and welcome everyone who snaps out of it.

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Good for you. Appreciate your take. Everyone heals at their own rate. By my count, there are only a couple of billion more people who have to take that first step.

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They can simply say they trusted in the institutions that were originally created in order to benefit us, but instead ended up benefitting themselves.

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It'll be interesting to watch Scott Adams find his way through his cognitive dissonance. I trust he will. Watching him squirm doesn't give me any pleasure.

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