I really want to know the names of the upper echelon of MKUltra and all government officials involved. Maybe this is how the CIA controls the house and senate.
The psych op run on the world involved the CDC, WHO and according to reports the DOD. MSM led the attack with propaganda to instill fear and Trump who knowingly or unknowingly signed off on operation warp speed which has administered more than 6.5 million doses in the US alone. But there are still 20-30% that didn’t buy in and stayed unvaccinated. They can’t control everyone Thank God.
My question is why does our government need mind control?
The spotlessly clean Americans sure wanted all the dirty work of the Nazis and clandestinely ran Paperclip to import the morally bankrupt Nazi scientists and spies.
Most of the names of the upper echelon of MKUltra and the government officials involved are revealed in the books listed above from O’Brien, Browart, and Kinzer.
Regarding the House and Senate, I find it conceivable to some degree, but I think bigger answers can be found in good old-fashioned corruption and black mail. On this, Whitney Webb’s two-part book, ‘One Nation Under Black Mail: The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein” is phenomenal.
I’m with you regarding the CDC, WHO, and the DOD etc.
As for why our government needs mind control, it’s a complex question with a long answer, but I believe the short answer is that our governments cannot successfully perpetrate the agendas of their globalist masters without it. Propaganda, psyops and Mind Control are all related and they are big part of the reason why most people are still asleep and do not rise up anymore, irrespective of anything their governments may do.
As for whether this mess can ever be eradicated, I truly doubt it. Hannah Arendt wrote about this. Her view, as I understand it, was that totalitarianism is ultimately part of the human condition. It took millennia to manifest itself in its full-blown sense, but once that happened, it could never be completely eradicated. It can only be contained, but this requires constant vigilance from the population, and sadly, we do not have this. I wish I had a more optimistic answer, but I agree with you that there are 20 to 30% of us who will not easily comply with the madness, and that is not insubstantial. Atb.
At least there are 20% like us and that might be enough to get the ball rolling and collect another large percentage of the “partially” brainwashed to pull their heads out of the sand??
It won’t be long before posts like yours are censored and shut down. They want us to feel alone which brings up the fear level.
One other hope might be the religious hope. The power of God is omnipotent whereas the banking cartel families only think they are.
Power on my friend hope and faith are what we have left to overcome the “one world” takeover
I think Mathias Desmet's book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, sheds some light on this and provides *some* hope and a path to awakening. He builds off Arendt's work, and talks a lot about the mechanization of society, which people need to understand. I do believe more and more people are walking up, and I also believe that evil will always exist. We just need the 15% of the population who aren't hypnotizable under any circumstances to stay vigilant in order to keep evil at bay. Technology makes this harder, and easier. Truth has a way of always surfacing eventually; maybe that's because the core of the universe is a force for good, after all. I'm just not entirely sure.
Agreed. Desmet's work draws heavily on that of others who came before, but it also offered new and interesting insights and perspectives. Although he and his book were heavily criticised by certain highly regarded freedom fighters when Robert Malone inserted himself in the equation, I think that for the most part this criticism was unfair as it related to Desmet. Thanks for you comment.
I strongly encourage you to read Cathy O'Brien's book, TRANCE-Formation of America. She names SO many names and helps piece together the mystery of how we got where we are today. That, and The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska. Read with a strong stomach.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Cathy O'Brien's book etc. I read David Icke's book not longer after it was published. I too found it easy to read and at times difficult to believe some of its claims. I have just bought O'Brien's book and look forward to reading it along with several other books you have recommended. Again thanks.
Thanks, I appreciate this synopsis. I first listened to Cathy's story 8-10 years ago now. Regina Meredith was interviewing her. I believed her too, but I didn't want to which was interesting to watch in myself.
As you note: "However, I have already addressed how my own cognitive dissonance may be at work here."
Of course that is at work, for all of us, to varying degrees. So many assumptions and givens about the world (given to us of course) act like psychological firewalls that have to be breached and overcome (layers) before we can begin to understand the massive manufacturing of realities we are swimming in. It's uncomfortable to say the least.
Appreciate your taking up the subject which is 'up' and out, and also being "managed" I've come to realize that perception-management extends to every area of our lives, and is so easily perpetuated, since we keep mirroring it back to each other. All the stuff we accept and that goes without question.
What a time to be alive. Not for the faint-hearted. Thank you, Dave.
Thank you, Kathleen. Much appreciated. These words from you here below are powerful and I could not agree more:
“So many assumptions and givens about the world (given to us of course) act like psychological firewalls that have to be breached and overcome (layers) before we can begin to understand the massive manufacturing of realities we are swimming in…
I've come to realize that perception-management extends to every area of our lives, and is so easily perpetuated, since we keep mirroring it back to each other. All the stuff we accept and that goes without question.”
There is an overwhelming and irrefutable amount of evidence in civil, structural, fire protection, and electrical engineering that proves 9/11 was orchestrated with prior demolition materials to facilitate controlled demolition after the remotely controlled plane strikes. Statistical analysis of the markets also showed foreknowledge of the facilitated events. And like the “cell phone” calls from the planes, for example, the media played completely along with every aspect of the scripted narrative.
With all of that, and no power to reveal and prosecute, one person’s story about abuse will never get off the ground. And any exaggeration or factual error in their statements inevitably shreds their credibility. Why chase after one person’s tale, when thing’s like the 9/11 or the “experimental 2021 injection “ program are replete with verifiable evidence?
I am with you on 9/11 and, as I am sure you and I both know, the evidence of foul play there goes well beyond the examples you listed. You’re also pushing a wide-open door with me on the “experimental 2021 injection”.
Regarding your question, I would invite you to consider several possibilities, each of which I believe makes sharing Cathy O’Brien’s story important:
Power can contain and manage any conspiracy big or small. They have done it with JFK, the Moon Landings that never happened, with 9/11, Covid-19 and with many other examples. Focussing on only one or a few of these crimes makes it relatively easy for the perpetrators who, as we know, control information, to corral all of us into a box and write us off with thought terminating labels that the general public easily falls for. In other words, it makes it too easy on them. If everyone is simply focussed on 9/11, then all they need to do is call us all 9/11 conspiracy theorists and its ‘job done’ for them. Power should be challenged for all its major crimes constantly and all at once as far as I’m concerned. In this sense, the strategy is sort of like death by a thousand cuts. My own view is that this approach is more likely to wake up other cross sections of the public than focussing on only one or two crimes.
Second, the MKUltra crimes are not at all small. They were/are massive, leaving at least thousands of direct victims in their wake. Furthermore, as I alluded to in my post, they were deliberately permitted to matasticize into the public domain in more ways than one. Some examples include the government manufactured LSD epidemic in the states and, as Walter Bowart argued in his book, there is strong circumstantial evidence to suggest that they had a role in several of the major political assassinations during that same decade. As Douglas Valentine and Naomi Klein demonstrated in their books, the torture and terror methods honed under MKUltra were used at scale in Vietnam, much of Latin America and beyond over the course of four decades starting in the sixties. They are still in use today as part of the so-called War on Terror. So, while they are harder to see and quantify at first glance, the MKUltra crimes have directly and indirectly harmed millions. Their impacts are massive and arguably on par with 9/11, even including the War on Terror that followed.
Third, consider propaganda, psychological operations, and Mind Control in three concentric circles. One can be sure that there is ample overlap between them, and that the Deep State actors and their mad scientists who are behind these things are working overtime to merge them ever more closely, and project them at scale to the public at large. Propaganda and psyops are already there. Who’s to say Mind Control is not? Who can honestly know where one begins and the other ends? I would argue that the Moon Landings, 9/11, and Covid were all psyops and that none could have been successfully perpetrated with impunity had populations not already been long prepped for them through systematic psychological manipulation. Three-quarters of Americans are still hypnotized over the Moon Landings. Roughly the same percentage probably applies to 9/11 and Covid and this brings me to my fourth point. It’s all related.
These are not independent conspiracies. They are all part of one big intergenerational conspiracy that a relatively small group of elite families is perpetrating on the world. Getting enough people to wake up to that possibility is, in my opinion, at least, the best chance We the People have at altering the trajectory we are currently on.
Finally, while Cathy O’Brien is symbolic and probably the best-known example we have of just how evil and out of control the MKUltra programs became, her personal story matters too. In this, I think Icke was right. Coming face to face with individual stories like O’Brien’s is probably one of the best ways to see and understand the extent of the evil. Plus, she is a survivor of that evil who has dedicated her life to trying to raise the alarm for the general public, so I felt and still feel that her story is entirely worthy of our attention.
Sorry this response was so long, but I hope it makes sense.
Excellent advice, Dave. Thanks for adding the moon landing as that’s also ridiculous. I see your point about capturing Cathy’s story now that you explained the motivations.
I tend to think there’s an awful lot of folks on autopilot and devices like radio and television and now iPhones haven’t helped. Maybe it’s always been this way. Deep thinkers that question everything and the masses who can’t be bothered.
Thanks, Steshu. Actually, on your second point, a number of the authors referenced in this essay and many others have dedicated significant time to the matter of radio, television and so-called smart-phones. I subscribe to the general thrust of their arguments that none if it is random and all these tools have been weaponized to induce the 'autopilot' mindset and easy manipulation we are talking about. Smartphones, of course, have an even more sinister role, in that at least until enough of us are chipped, they are indispensable for the surveillance and Central Digital Currency agenda. I never carry my phone anywhere, and I am trying to rid myself of it altogether as soon as I can. Atb.
I do wonder how the numbers would add up; the number of good souls to evil souless ones who would do such things to innocent people. 1 in 10 is evil? 1 in 100 or 1000 or 10,000 perhaps? In any event, a smaller portion doing so much damage. I imagine that is why the folks on the 'good' side keep saying that we only need a small portion of people to swing the thing back to center.
I think there are different ways of looking at the problem. If we’re simply talking about psychopaths, there are an estimated 2 to 3 for every 100 in the general population. They are narcissists laking any moral compass, but only a small percentage of them become full-blown monsters, as in serial killers etc. I learned this and much more than I ever wanted to know about psychopaths from Christopher Berry-Dee’s, ‘Talking with Psychopaths and Savages’. Our globalist monsters on the other hand are also psychopaths in the same way as any other, except that they are high performing psychopaths who manifest their psychopathy much more subtly and at scale. Dr. Robert Yoho does an excellent job of explaining the psychopathy behind the globalist mindset in his book, Cassandra’s Memo. Margaret Anna Alice also spends a lot of time on this in her Substack.
If we’re talking about the ultimate evil that sits at the top of the pyramid of the New World Order globalist conspiracy that we’re all living through now many authors argue that the numbers here are infinitesimally small and I agree with them. John Coleman made a strong case that there are approximately 300 people running the world, in his book, ‘Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300’. David Icke and others suggest there are less than 5 and possibly only one at the very top. I see no conflict between Coleman and Icke. I think they are both probably right.
The problem, as I see it, is with the rest of us. The population at large can be sliced and diced in different ways, but it’s pretty widely accepted and also easy to see that about 1/3 of us will go along with anything authority demands, 1/3 will always resist what they/we perceive to be tyranny, and 1/3 in the middle will waffle until they see which way the wind blows. Mattis Desmet wrote a lot about this in his (controversial?) book.
As for what percentage of those in positions of serious power can be corrupted, blackmailed, or cajoled into doing evil’s bidding, that sadly appears to be just about everyone. It seems one is not allowed power, unless they can be controlled.
Finally, from the famous Milgram experiment, we know that a majority of people will knowingly inflict harm on others, and in many cases come to enjoy doing so, if they are so instructed by their superiors. Think of all the state and local tin-pot dictators during the first 3 years of the Covid era. Most of them absolutely revelled in it, right?
As you can see, I don’t have concrete or consistent answers, but I too spend time pondering the same question you posed. Atb.
Thank you very much for sharing this. It is amazing to see her speaking back then, especially if one has read her book. It adds yet another layer of credibility to it.
I really want to know the names of the upper echelon of MKUltra and all government officials involved. Maybe this is how the CIA controls the house and senate.
The psych op run on the world involved the CDC, WHO and according to reports the DOD. MSM led the attack with propaganda to instill fear and Trump who knowingly or unknowingly signed off on operation warp speed which has administered more than 6.5 million doses in the US alone. But there are still 20-30% that didn’t buy in and stayed unvaccinated. They can’t control everyone Thank God.
My question is why does our government need mind control?
The spotlessly clean Americans sure wanted all the dirty work of the Nazis and clandestinely ran Paperclip to import the morally bankrupt Nazi scientists and spies.
Can this mess ever be eradicated ?
Many thanks for your comment.
Most of the names of the upper echelon of MKUltra and the government officials involved are revealed in the books listed above from O’Brien, Browart, and Kinzer.
Regarding the House and Senate, I find it conceivable to some degree, but I think bigger answers can be found in good old-fashioned corruption and black mail. On this, Whitney Webb’s two-part book, ‘One Nation Under Black Mail: The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein” is phenomenal.
I’m with you regarding the CDC, WHO, and the DOD etc.
As for why our government needs mind control, it’s a complex question with a long answer, but I believe the short answer is that our governments cannot successfully perpetrate the agendas of their globalist masters without it. Propaganda, psyops and Mind Control are all related and they are big part of the reason why most people are still asleep and do not rise up anymore, irrespective of anything their governments may do.
As for whether this mess can ever be eradicated, I truly doubt it. Hannah Arendt wrote about this. Her view, as I understand it, was that totalitarianism is ultimately part of the human condition. It took millennia to manifest itself in its full-blown sense, but once that happened, it could never be completely eradicated. It can only be contained, but this requires constant vigilance from the population, and sadly, we do not have this. I wish I had a more optimistic answer, but I agree with you that there are 20 to 30% of us who will not easily comply with the madness, and that is not insubstantial. Atb.
At least there are 20% like us and that might be enough to get the ball rolling and collect another large percentage of the “partially” brainwashed to pull their heads out of the sand??
It won’t be long before posts like yours are censored and shut down. They want us to feel alone which brings up the fear level.
One other hope might be the religious hope. The power of God is omnipotent whereas the banking cartel families only think they are.
Power on my friend hope and faith are what we have left to overcome the “one world” takeover
I think Mathias Desmet's book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, sheds some light on this and provides *some* hope and a path to awakening. He builds off Arendt's work, and talks a lot about the mechanization of society, which people need to understand. I do believe more and more people are walking up, and I also believe that evil will always exist. We just need the 15% of the population who aren't hypnotizable under any circumstances to stay vigilant in order to keep evil at bay. Technology makes this harder, and easier. Truth has a way of always surfacing eventually; maybe that's because the core of the universe is a force for good, after all. I'm just not entirely sure.
Agreed. Desmet's work draws heavily on that of others who came before, but it also offered new and interesting insights and perspectives. Although he and his book were heavily criticised by certain highly regarded freedom fighters when Robert Malone inserted himself in the equation, I think that for the most part this criticism was unfair as it related to Desmet. Thanks for you comment.
I strongly encourage you to read Cathy O'Brien's book, TRANCE-Formation of America. She names SO many names and helps piece together the mystery of how we got where we are today. That, and The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska. Read with a strong stomach.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Cathy O'Brien's book etc. I read David Icke's book not longer after it was published. I too found it easy to read and at times difficult to believe some of its claims. I have just bought O'Brien's book and look forward to reading it along with several other books you have recommended. Again thanks.
Thank you, John. I’m very glad you found some of my book recommendations potentially interesting and I appreciate your comment. Atb.
Thanks, I appreciate this synopsis. I first listened to Cathy's story 8-10 years ago now. Regina Meredith was interviewing her. I believed her too, but I didn't want to which was interesting to watch in myself.
As you note: "However, I have already addressed how my own cognitive dissonance may be at work here."
Of course that is at work, for all of us, to varying degrees. So many assumptions and givens about the world (given to us of course) act like psychological firewalls that have to be breached and overcome (layers) before we can begin to understand the massive manufacturing of realities we are swimming in. It's uncomfortable to say the least.
Appreciate your taking up the subject which is 'up' and out, and also being "managed" I've come to realize that perception-management extends to every area of our lives, and is so easily perpetuated, since we keep mirroring it back to each other. All the stuff we accept and that goes without question.
What a time to be alive. Not for the faint-hearted. Thank you, Dave.
Thank you, Kathleen. Much appreciated. These words from you here below are powerful and I could not agree more:
“So many assumptions and givens about the world (given to us of course) act like psychological firewalls that have to be breached and overcome (layers) before we can begin to understand the massive manufacturing of realities we are swimming in…
I've come to realize that perception-management extends to every area of our lives, and is so easily perpetuated, since we keep mirroring it back to each other. All the stuff we accept and that goes without question.”
There is an overwhelming and irrefutable amount of evidence in civil, structural, fire protection, and electrical engineering that proves 9/11 was orchestrated with prior demolition materials to facilitate controlled demolition after the remotely controlled plane strikes. Statistical analysis of the markets also showed foreknowledge of the facilitated events. And like the “cell phone” calls from the planes, for example, the media played completely along with every aspect of the scripted narrative.
With all of that, and no power to reveal and prosecute, one person’s story about abuse will never get off the ground. And any exaggeration or factual error in their statements inevitably shreds their credibility. Why chase after one person’s tale, when thing’s like the 9/11 or the “experimental 2021 injection “ program are replete with verifiable evidence?
Thank you for your comment.
I am with you on 9/11 and, as I am sure you and I both know, the evidence of foul play there goes well beyond the examples you listed. You’re also pushing a wide-open door with me on the “experimental 2021 injection”.
Regarding your question, I would invite you to consider several possibilities, each of which I believe makes sharing Cathy O’Brien’s story important:
Power can contain and manage any conspiracy big or small. They have done it with JFK, the Moon Landings that never happened, with 9/11, Covid-19 and with many other examples. Focussing on only one or a few of these crimes makes it relatively easy for the perpetrators who, as we know, control information, to corral all of us into a box and write us off with thought terminating labels that the general public easily falls for. In other words, it makes it too easy on them. If everyone is simply focussed on 9/11, then all they need to do is call us all 9/11 conspiracy theorists and its ‘job done’ for them. Power should be challenged for all its major crimes constantly and all at once as far as I’m concerned. In this sense, the strategy is sort of like death by a thousand cuts. My own view is that this approach is more likely to wake up other cross sections of the public than focussing on only one or two crimes.
Second, the MKUltra crimes are not at all small. They were/are massive, leaving at least thousands of direct victims in their wake. Furthermore, as I alluded to in my post, they were deliberately permitted to matasticize into the public domain in more ways than one. Some examples include the government manufactured LSD epidemic in the states and, as Walter Bowart argued in his book, there is strong circumstantial evidence to suggest that they had a role in several of the major political assassinations during that same decade. As Douglas Valentine and Naomi Klein demonstrated in their books, the torture and terror methods honed under MKUltra were used at scale in Vietnam, much of Latin America and beyond over the course of four decades starting in the sixties. They are still in use today as part of the so-called War on Terror. So, while they are harder to see and quantify at first glance, the MKUltra crimes have directly and indirectly harmed millions. Their impacts are massive and arguably on par with 9/11, even including the War on Terror that followed.
Third, consider propaganda, psychological operations, and Mind Control in three concentric circles. One can be sure that there is ample overlap between them, and that the Deep State actors and their mad scientists who are behind these things are working overtime to merge them ever more closely, and project them at scale to the public at large. Propaganda and psyops are already there. Who’s to say Mind Control is not? Who can honestly know where one begins and the other ends? I would argue that the Moon Landings, 9/11, and Covid were all psyops and that none could have been successfully perpetrated with impunity had populations not already been long prepped for them through systematic psychological manipulation. Three-quarters of Americans are still hypnotized over the Moon Landings. Roughly the same percentage probably applies to 9/11 and Covid and this brings me to my fourth point. It’s all related.
These are not independent conspiracies. They are all part of one big intergenerational conspiracy that a relatively small group of elite families is perpetrating on the world. Getting enough people to wake up to that possibility is, in my opinion, at least, the best chance We the People have at altering the trajectory we are currently on.
Finally, while Cathy O’Brien is symbolic and probably the best-known example we have of just how evil and out of control the MKUltra programs became, her personal story matters too. In this, I think Icke was right. Coming face to face with individual stories like O’Brien’s is probably one of the best ways to see and understand the extent of the evil. Plus, she is a survivor of that evil who has dedicated her life to trying to raise the alarm for the general public, so I felt and still feel that her story is entirely worthy of our attention.
Sorry this response was so long, but I hope it makes sense.
Thanks again for your comment and atb.
Excellent advice, Dave. Thanks for adding the moon landing as that’s also ridiculous. I see your point about capturing Cathy’s story now that you explained the motivations.
I tend to think there’s an awful lot of folks on autopilot and devices like radio and television and now iPhones haven’t helped. Maybe it’s always been this way. Deep thinkers that question everything and the masses who can’t be bothered.
Thanks, Steshu. Actually, on your second point, a number of the authors referenced in this essay and many others have dedicated significant time to the matter of radio, television and so-called smart-phones. I subscribe to the general thrust of their arguments that none if it is random and all these tools have been weaponized to induce the 'autopilot' mindset and easy manipulation we are talking about. Smartphones, of course, have an even more sinister role, in that at least until enough of us are chipped, they are indispensable for the surveillance and Central Digital Currency agenda. I never carry my phone anywhere, and I am trying to rid myself of it altogether as soon as I can. Atb.
I do wonder how the numbers would add up; the number of good souls to evil souless ones who would do such things to innocent people. 1 in 10 is evil? 1 in 100 or 1000 or 10,000 perhaps? In any event, a smaller portion doing so much damage. I imagine that is why the folks on the 'good' side keep saying that we only need a small portion of people to swing the thing back to center.
Good question.
I think there are different ways of looking at the problem. If we’re simply talking about psychopaths, there are an estimated 2 to 3 for every 100 in the general population. They are narcissists laking any moral compass, but only a small percentage of them become full-blown monsters, as in serial killers etc. I learned this and much more than I ever wanted to know about psychopaths from Christopher Berry-Dee’s, ‘Talking with Psychopaths and Savages’. Our globalist monsters on the other hand are also psychopaths in the same way as any other, except that they are high performing psychopaths who manifest their psychopathy much more subtly and at scale. Dr. Robert Yoho does an excellent job of explaining the psychopathy behind the globalist mindset in his book, Cassandra’s Memo. Margaret Anna Alice also spends a lot of time on this in her Substack.
If we’re talking about the ultimate evil that sits at the top of the pyramid of the New World Order globalist conspiracy that we’re all living through now many authors argue that the numbers here are infinitesimally small and I agree with them. John Coleman made a strong case that there are approximately 300 people running the world, in his book, ‘Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300’. David Icke and others suggest there are less than 5 and possibly only one at the very top. I see no conflict between Coleman and Icke. I think they are both probably right.
The problem, as I see it, is with the rest of us. The population at large can be sliced and diced in different ways, but it’s pretty widely accepted and also easy to see that about 1/3 of us will go along with anything authority demands, 1/3 will always resist what they/we perceive to be tyranny, and 1/3 in the middle will waffle until they see which way the wind blows. Mattis Desmet wrote a lot about this in his (controversial?) book.
As for what percentage of those in positions of serious power can be corrupted, blackmailed, or cajoled into doing evil’s bidding, that sadly appears to be just about everyone. It seems one is not allowed power, unless they can be controlled.
Finally, from the famous Milgram experiment, we know that a majority of people will knowingly inflict harm on others, and in many cases come to enjoy doing so, if they are so instructed by their superiors. Think of all the state and local tin-pot dictators during the first 3 years of the Covid era. Most of them absolutely revelled in it, right?
As you can see, I don’t have concrete or consistent answers, but I too spend time pondering the same question you posed. Atb.
I believe 1-3% of abused children go on to become abusers themselves. I assume they are the same 1-3% of the population that are psychopaths.
I do too. I have read her book and her her interviews and videos. Truly eye-opening. Thank you for your insightful article.
Cathy O’Brien speaking about mind control and naming some of the perpetrators: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fcBowRzV3WM
Thank you very much for sharing this. It is amazing to see her speaking back then, especially if one has read her book. It adds yet another layer of credibility to it.