Video blogger Stefan from Sanity4Sweden is NOT an expert. He’s a regular ‘Joe’ who makes astute observations, asks uncomfortable questions, and speaks his mind. Mainstreamers will struggle with him, because he will fundamentally challenge them.
Whether Stefan is ultimately right or wrong on any particular point is not the point. What matters is that he is speaking freely, genuinely, and insightfully, and offers perspectives which can help us test and better inform our own. At the very least, Stefan provides a window into the mindset of ‘the other side' and he challenges government and media narratives, which is an important role in and of itself. Remember when we used to assume it was the media’s job to challenge governments and power more broadly? Well, it should be obvious by now that they don’t do that anymore, if they ever really did. So, we need more independents from all walks of life challenging them all. And, we need to support such people wherever we can.
Stefan’s video today (above) is about yet another collapse in public - this time that of the Saudi Ambassador to Egypt, and about a high profile Israeli professor who has had a change of heart due to his own personal circumstances. Amazingly, the professor is seemingly surprised to find he suddenly can’t communicate so freely on Twitter.
Of course, correlation does not prove causation, but remember how we were all forced to adopt the precautionary principle to the extreme at unfathomable costs to society for all things supposedly Covid related? Remember how ‘deaths with Covid’ were literally counted as ‘deaths because of Covid’ by governments, health authorities, and the media writ large? Remember how positive PCR tests, which for many well documented and readily verifiable reasons, were arguably greater than 90% false positives yet fraudulently called “cases”? (If you don’t, there will be a future post on it here.) Even most of the legitimate positives would never have been called “cases” in the pre-Covid era because they were asymptomatic. (Another post.) So, it seems, there is an obvious double standard here, whereby when it fits Power’s agenda, correlation becomes the gospel, no matter how sparse or tenuous it may be. But when correlation conflicts with such agendas, it should be dismissed no matter how comprehensive and robust it is. To all governments and their health authorities, to all major medical journals, to Big Tech, and to the MSM: don’t talk to me about correlation, because you have less than zero credibility.
Stefan is right about the profound increase in sudden collapses. This is particularly true with professional athletes and our youth on sports pitches. I believe FIFA tallied well over one thousand of them in its greater organization in the 12-month period since the roll-out of the Covid injections began. Then, they stopped counting, or at least they stopped releasing the information. Another blogger I sometimes follow collates local news articles and individual video footage, both of which demonstrate beyond all reasonable doubt that the evidence this is happening is overwhelming and in plain sight. The footage is as endless as it is grim. As always, it is simply being hidden below the radar by governments and the mainstream media.
Here you can see a compilation of over 769 such cases which actually were reported by the MSM, but under the fray, typically at the local level, and never aggregated, so the information never reaches the mainstream consciousness. This is all by design. Meanwhile, we are seeing clear trends on the part of the MSM to normalize the striking increases in the prevalence of strange things such as collapses on sports pitches and Sudden Death Syndrome (for instance while sleeping), as well as the still small-scale, yet sensationally exaggerated increase in the now famous Monkey Pox - all things which were heretofore exceedingly rare events.
We can be reasonably confident that Big Pharma will miraculously produce more injectable ‘solutions’ (and other money-making ‘remedies’) to these problems and that governments will first cajole, then pressure, and ultimately, once again, coerce us to avail ourselves of them. Several Democrat controlled US states, the Biden regime, and the Bill Gates run WHO have all declared Monkey Pox a health emergency. We should not be surprised to see attempts to mainstream Monkey Pox vaccines very soon. Of course, Covid variants alone can and will provide Power with an infinite supply of reasons to continue doing the things it has done to us the past 2.5 years, as can vaccine adverse effects dressed up as something else, if we continue to allow it.
Stefan is also correct that we are “allowed” to attribute the myriad of strange developments occurring in public health since circa January 2021 to anything but the one thing which was newly introduced into the equation about one month prior to that, and ultimately globally, to several billion of us. There is a term circulating around the internet which explains all the new phenomena. I believe it’s called ABV Disease, which refers to Anything But the Vaccine. As for how this power-induced cognitive dissonance is allowed to stand: say hello again to Mattias Desmet’s Mass Formation Psychosis.
So, here we are. All of us. Conditioned not to talk about what we’re not allowed to talk about. Again, credit to Stefan in this video for highlighting the Covid injections as the fulcrum that has been used by Power, and in particular by governments, Big Tech, and the MSM, to justify the ushering in and normalization of systematic censorship. In fact, censorship has been creeping in on us for a long time. The vast majority of people, myself included, simply did not see it. (The media bubble ensures this.) However, many people did, and they were right. My friends, the use of Covid to justify censorship is comprehensively a con. There is a much bigger agenda at play here.
It is long past time we consider the implications of all this and become more inquisitive and more vocal about it. A lot more. We should remember that despite the systematic onslaughts against it, the U.S. Constitution still stands, and we should at least start talking about the fact that we are not allowed to talk about certain things and consider the possibility (or rather the provable fact) that we’ve all been comprehensively ‘psy-oped’ into being afraid to talk about such things for whole host of reasons. This, I believe, is a key focal point in the story of our time.
At the very least, legitimate concerns, the long list of serious questions which remain unanswered, and the preponderance of evidence in plain sight should be more than enough for each of us to recognize with eyes-wide-open that we should never again unquestioningly trust Power; not governments, not Big Tech, not the media, and DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY NOT Big Pharma. In all cases, a defensive posture is strongly advised going forward. We should also never, ever forget what Power has done to We-the-People the past 2.5 years. Not least because these things did not really start in Spring of 2020. They began long before and they are far from finished.
Noteworthy content from Sanity4Sweden and links to his channels
Like countless others who had a hard-earned significant following on Big Tech platforms, Stefan, who had been on YouTube for years prior to the Covid era, eventually found himself under siege from the YouTube censors. While he was always fighting a losing battle, for a period of months his counter-attacks were legendary.
Stefan adopted a satirical stance whereby he toed the party line, criticizing everyone he agreed with, including himself. This led to him showing an ever growing list, or rather a satirical blacklist, of countervailing experts, politicians, and journalists etc who we should DEFINITELY take no note of because they are ‘dangerous’. This particular video here below was one of the last ones where Stefan was able to do this. From that point, he either got fed-up jumping through YouTube hoops or the YouTube flunkies and their algorithm finally caught on and the game was up. “The List” as presented here offers a rare, albeit far-from-complete, treasure trove of names of people from around the world who were and still are being smothered and hidden from us by Power:
Videos of Stefan’s which weren’t ultimately censored by YouTube can be found on his channel here:
Stefan has since comprehensively made the switch to alternative platforms such as Rumble, Odysee, and Bitchute. One of the better compilations of his videos, including the ‘unapproved’ ones, seems to be here:
Here's our interview