Big Pharma Disasters
Below is a short video from Conspiracy Sarah, a new friend who also writes on Substack. It chronicles many now infamous examples of medical scams and public health disasters perpetrated on unsuspecting populations throughout the 20th century. In nearly every case, campaigns of mass manipulation were employed and conflicted governments, health bureaucrats, and medical professionals were complicit. Of course, this is all just history:
30 Reasons Why Things are Different Now:
The science is settled: The human race has suddenly evolved. Scientists unanimously agree that we could not possibly repeat the same mistakes we made over and over again for the past 100 years or more.
Case in point: In the 21st century, we have the Big Pharma opioid crisis. The US data alone, including the circa 289 million opioid prescriptions per year, the CDC-estimated total economic burden from opioid abuse of $78.5 billion per year, and the well over half a million lives lost, clearly demonstrate that we have learned from the past. So does Pfizer’s $2.3 billion fine for criminal fraud way back in 2009, as do countless other reassuring examples, which actually would not matter either way, cuz um, well, Covid.
Unlike past disasters, a public health catastrophe is technically not even possible this time because the Covid vaccines were developed at record speed and directly administered to the whole world at once. What could possibly go wrong?
They may have lied many times before, but not this time: We know this because many of the same companies, health authorities, and governing bodies who lied so many times in the past insist they are telling the truth.
Moderna had never produced a licensed drug product before Covid, so it had an unblemished track record from the outset.
‘Moderna’ is short for “Modified RNA”, which sounds pretty cool.
mRNA is the way of the future: The many man-made public health catastrophes of the past, born from supposed miracles in science and medicine, were complex, experimental, and poorly understood. They were also insufficiently tested. Conversely, mRNA vaccines are straightforward and well mastered. They have been rigorously tested and are not experimental at all.
Just ask Dr. Naomi Wolf who overseas a team of volunteer experts who are reviewing the hundreds of thousands of pages from the Pfizer trials:
Or former BlackRock Analyst Edward Dowd:
Covid vaccines are safe: Emergency Use Authorization ensures that manufacturers are safe to sell them without risk. The CDC’s decision to add them to the vaccine schedule for children will make them even safer for these manufacturers.
If the vaccines weren’t safe, Pharma manufacturers wouldn’t be trying to avoid disclosing their ingredients. Besides, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology has given us his assurances about safety:
So has the UK Government: The Expose newspaper has collated extensive evidence from the UK Government. The resulting output can be found here below on the always unapologetically strident 2nd Smartest’s Substack page. Ignore the ‘unbelievable’ headline. Review the data. When it comes to governments sharing meaningful data on Covid vaccine safety, this is as good as it is ever likely to get. It’s worth taking the time to understand it and to share it far and wide:
Covid vaccines are effective: they don’t prevent transmission, infection, hospitalization or death, and we don’t know what they are effective at, but we do know they are effective.
Dr. Fauci and the media have given us their assurances about efficacy many times and we should take the totality of what they have said seriously. See it here in this video:
Even veterinarian, Pfizer CEO and Covid multi-millionaire Albert Bourla agrees, his vaccines are 100% effective:
Even if Bourla changed his mind about efficacy, it doesn’t matter: He and Big Pharma are happy to keep making new experimental mRNA injections to test on us indefinitely, as long as they keep getting paid. So, it’s all good:
The brilliant Margaret Anna Alice says there are actually 50 reasons not to be concerned, and she’s MUCH smarter than I. Plus, she does have that looking glass:
Apologies, Margaret, you definitely should have been a Top 10 reason.
We don’t need to worry about long-term side effects: Thanks to new scientific advances, the scientific community agrees that it is now possible for the unknown to be known before it is known. “The science” now enables long-term studies to be done in the short-term. Long-term studies are critically important, as Dr. Fauci makes clear in this 80 second video clip with boy-master-of-the-universe, Mark Fuckerberg:
Bill Gates is involved and he is a generous philanthropist who is giving away all his money. We know this to be true because the media Gates pays has told us this ad nauseam for two decades during which time Gates’s already astronomical wealth has continued to increase astronomically; even after having to pay a $40 billion divorce settlement for being a serial friend with known serial sex predator of minors Jeffrey Epstein:
Bill Gates is confident in himself: as Gates will attest, his track record with vaccines and public health is phenomenal. Independent authors universally agree:
The many organizations expressing grave concerns all have creepy names such as Children’s Health Defense and The Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. This belies their hidden agendas, which must be sinister and are surely making them billions. Fortunately, Fact Checker organizations have confirmed that they are all run by kooks and conspiracy theorists, without exception.
Fact Checkers are legitimate: like all higher powers, they should be unquestioningly trusted - always.
The mainstream media is honest: it may get 90% of its revenue from Bill Gates, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Governments but it is naturally…
Free from conflicts-of-interest:
Diverse and fiercely independent:
From The Big Reset movie Not compromised or controlled by powerful secretive organizations, which may or may not have their own agendas, but you should click to enlarge the image below to be sure:
Big Pharma found its moral compass by becoming astronomically bigger, richer and more powerful, because that’s what becoming astronomically big, rich, and powerful does:
Big Pharma trials are rigorous and its manufacturing beyond reproach: Trials are never rigged, quality control is world class, doctors are incorruptible, and health agencies work for We The People:
Otherwise, one might expect expert insiders to write whistle-blower books which cite hundreds of examples of rigged trials, explain how doctors, health authorities, and medical journals are systematically corrupted by Pharma, and provide extensive evidence backing up their claims. Fortunately, no such books exist:
Otherwise, Pfizer and the FDA might have tried to hide Covid vaccine trial data for 75 years:
Otherwise, former Pharma insiders like Hedley Rees here on Substack would be very concerned about Covid vaccine related quality control and supply chains, which apparently sometimes originate in China?
Furthermore, if there were concerns about corruption, EC President Ursula von der Leyen wouldn’t be withholding the terms of the EC’s contract with Pfizer from the European Parliament and the people of the EU, and these brave MEPs wouldn’t be putting up such a fuss :
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky gets her information about Covid vaccines from CNN, and this is hugely reassuring because it definitely means she knows what she’s talking about:
"I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came that it was 95% effective, the vaccine," Walensky said, responding to a question about what public health officials could have done better during the pandemic. "So many of us wanted to be helpful. So many of us wanted to say, ‘OK, this is our ticket out, right?’ ‘Now we’re done.’ So I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way."
Dr Mike Yeadon, Former Chief Scientist & VP at Pfizer doesn’t seem worried: For those needing further reassurance, here is one of Yeadon’s first long interviews from very early on in the pandemic, where he explains just about everything in clear and easy to understand terms:
For some reason, Power censors Dr Yeadon, but most of his interviews over the last 2.5 years can be found on this Bitchute landing page below. Most Substack readers will know Yeadon extremely well. Those who don’t should definitely spend time with him:
The deluge of healthy young children, professional athletes, entertainers, politicians, and newscasters collapsing and often dying is normal. It can’t be related to the vaccines. In any case, it’s all fake news.
As you can see here:
And, here:
Young Hearts (PT 1)
Young Hearts (PT 2): Notable Athletes
Young Hearts (PT 3): So many dying from the jab – the media are silent
Young Hearts (PT 4)
Young Hearts (PT 5): More shocking injuries from the jab
Young Hearts (PT 6)
Young Hearts (PT 7): More footballers and athletes collapsing and dying after the jab
Young Hearts (PT 8): Multiple cardiac instances occurring to young fit athletes
Young Hearts (PT 9): Pro Athletes HEARTS failing every day now - too many to hide
Young Hearts (PT 10): Athletes Keep Dropping – How many more will it take?
Young Hearts (PT 11): As the injuries increase, so does the cover up. Graphic warning.
Young Hearts (PT 12): On the World Stage. MSM in DAMAGE CONTROL
Young Hearts (PT 13): Injuries and deaths increase - Carnage
Young Hearts (PT 14): Jab deaths continue – DISTRACTIONS – LOOK AT THE WAR!
Young hearts (PT 15): And on it goes. The fallout continues
Young Hearts (PT 16)
Young Hearts (PT 17): Hearts failing as the kill/cull continues
Young Hearts (PT 18): Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) – Healthy Young People Dying Suddenly
Young Hearts (PT 19): The Young & Healthy Continue to Fall…
Young Hearts (PT 20): Birth rate falls as excess death rate rises - The silent carnage continues
Young Hearts (PT 21): The young, fit and healthy continue to fall
Young Hearts (PT 22): Excess mortality skyrocketing - Mainstream media silent
Young Hearts (PT 23)
Young Hearts (PT 24): 10 days of CARNAGE (100 in 10 days - October 2022)
Young Hearts (PT 25): Uncharted waters (Pfizer confirms)
Because this brave man seems to me to be about as genuine as they come, which means he must be lying:
You can see more from humble Funeral Director John O’Looney here:
In 2022, everyone knows what they’re doing, unlike when the whole world lost its mind with Radium:
Click here for more Radium ads to see what the world losing its mind looked like, so you can be sure that’s not what’s happening now:
There is no comparison between today and the DDT era either: with DDT the world, including governments, the media, and the medical profession again lost its mind, and actually put children everywhere in harm’s way.
See it here:
Of course, we know better now and would never harm our children today:
Big Tech is heavily invested in vaccines, which obviously makes perfect sense and is very reassuring because Big Tech cares about us very much:
The CIA is involved, and that makes even more sense, especially cuz of um, China?
We’ve collaborated with, trusted, and followed totalitarian China’s lead from the start, and that makes the most sense of all, because:
We believe the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has declared the west and, in particular, the United States to be its beloved ally, and in any case we know that just like our own governments, they would never lie to us during a health emergency.
The CCP forcibly harvests organs from its people to service its burgeoning international organ trade:
The CCP has over a million Uyghurs in concentration camps and an estimated 20 million more ‘disappeared’ Falun Gong adherents, plus another 1.4 billion people waiting in the wings, all to provide an endless supply of candidates for this forced harvesting:
So, naturally, funding research at the CCP controlled Wuhan lab, trusting the CCP’s early reports on the Covid outbreak, basing our PCR testing and the creation of our vaccines on the SARS-CoV-2 genome the CCP provided, and following the CCP’s lead on authoritarian lockdowns makes perfect sense. And, finally…
Don’t take my word for it, Michael Senger has done a tremendous amount of research and has many interesting things to share on this topic:
Joe Biden is particularly confidence instilling and not just because he said he was losing patience with the unvaccinated:
The fact that he seems just a teeny tiny bit corrupted by and beholden to the CCP, among others, and that he said the CCP’s concentration camps represented just a “cultural difference”, is awesome:
Plus, Biden is on the side of censorship and unless you’re on the dark side, you know that censorship is good. See:
Also, these guys are involved:
The biggest reason of all not to worry: “They would never do that.”
Okay, 32 reason!
As author Nadia Asencio, AKA podcaster New York Nadia often asks:
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Added Feb. 26th, 2023:
Thank you for this. Very nicely done, sir.
I've been a voracious Substack reader about all things scamdemic for many months. I'd have to say this is one of the BEST posts I've read to date. It's brilliantly sarcastic, solidly sourced, and a fantastic toolbox of logic. Bravo.